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Share your Tokoname-yaki

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 10:33 pm
by debunix
Share your Tokoname wares! :mrgreen:
Fuut wrote: Extra points for chawan and other wares besides kyusu! :)
Just realized, after posting in another topic, that I hadn't shared this fairly recent purchase of a blue Hagi TOKONAME cup from Yamada Sou, via Artistic Nippon



I can lose myself in the blue pool in the bottom of this cup


Re: Tokoname-yaki

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 10:28 am
by Janice
Beautiful cup. I’ve been admiring Yamada Sou teaware on Artistic Nippon for a while now. There’s a new Kyushu which I can’t afford at $352 but fortunately I don’t need a 300 ml pot. TAD!

Re: Tokoname-yaki

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 12:06 pm
by pedant
amazing cup and great pics

Re: Tokoname-yaki

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:20 am
by Fuut
Great cups Debunix! I haven't gotten that far as to add something from his line to my collection. As faith would have it now isn't really the best time for me to be spending money, however i just saw an oribe teapot on AN, and the need to contact Toru is growing.. must .. resist very nice pot though, and big too (more my thing).

And in your photo's, the gold almost seems to drift on top, that's an amazing effect.

Just picked this up, its blue! Tanba not Tokoname though.

Re: Tokoname-yaki

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:03 pm
by debunix
Love the wave of thicker blue at the base of the glazed portion.

Tokoname Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 3:49 am
by Fuut
Extra points for chawan and other wares besides kyusu! :)

After a lengthy search for the maker of this chawan (and an identical larger chawan - correction, this is actually the larger one :D ), i found out who was the maker. With much help from samurai Toru.

"Tokoname craftsman Tougen
Tsuzuki Hisashi (Tougen) was born in 1939"


Re: Tokoname Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 3:57 am
by Fuut
This reminds me, i have a beautiful tokoname tea jar somewhere. Quite large, ±15cm high.

Re: Tokoname Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 7:13 am
by pedant
very nice wares. i love the chawan especially. it reminds me of jupiter.

Re: Tokoname Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 6:09 pm
by Fuut
This is the smaller version however its clearly by the same hand - even without the stamp :D

The fun part is that this one is 10.8cm in diameter and 7.9cm high, where the larger one is 12.5 by 7.9 (rounded up). The type of texture of these bowls really reminds me of a plant or tree's root system. Also i feel the texture on the foot of the koudai fits in with that theme very nicely. It appears to have been shaped on top of a slice of wood.

I have no idea how one would go about making this pattern and texture, i can only guess real wood was used..

Re: Share your Tokoname-yaki

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 6:23 pm
by pedant
@debunix and @Fuut, i merged your tokoname topics into a pinned/sticky topic

Re: Share your Tokoname-yaki

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 12:06 pm
by debunix
New Touju Yakishime houhin from Artistic Nippon:
IMG_2409.jpg (136.77 KiB) Viewed 10449 times
It is a delight to the eye (metal and wood textures, rivets and bark and rings)
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and to the hand (light, and and the neat little rings provide some insulation), and the wide mouth provides easy access for rinsing, cleaning, and viewing the leaves between infusions (hate trying to show them through a narrow lid opening):
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The squat spout and flat direct filter provide a very fast pour.
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And they're remarkably finished little holes!
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This is the first session with it, with infusions interrupted for photo ops, so much too early to say what impact it is having on the tea.

Re: Share your Tokoname-yaki

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 6:59 pm
by Pants404
I am somewhat impartial to Toju's wares.
Here are most of mine, but I have added a few more since taking this photo.

Re: Share your Tokoname-yaki

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 7:03 pm
by Fuut
Really nice Debunix and wow just the group after. I've always wanted to at some point get one of those kyusu with nobs all over but never got around to it and they don't seem to come up for sale that often. His work reminds me of chagama and those types of forms. I'm a little jealous!

Re: Share your Tokoname-yaki

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 12:47 am
by klepto
Tokoname Pearskin Teapot by Murakoshi Fugetsu:
"Original" and unblended Tokoname Clay. Fired twice(deoxidized), which is a nice sweet spot for me in comparison to my Hojo pots.
I have an oxidation mumyoi pot and oxi/reduction Nosaka pots. This teapot enhances the taste while making it smoother and rounder at the cost of some aroma imho.
Tried both sencha and some nice moonlight white was noteworthy. During the sencha session the liquor was very soft, round but a bit more brothy. The astringency by the second steep was almost nonexistent. The moonlight white was soft, sweet and gave me a few different notes that what I normally taste. Both teas were quite good in their own right but the white was ambrosia-like. I've had a couple convos with baisao on the subject and I'm curious what other effects come from deoxidized tokoname clay.

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Re: Share your Tokoname-yaki

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 1:00 am
by Bok
@klepto Nice! Keep us posted on how it performs!