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FS: rice grain ware, vintage and retro

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 12:04 pm
by sheep.payday2
The rice grain porcelain that everyone, their mom, and dog has. I'm selling these because I have too many. Do you?

Additional photos in this album.

#1 Large gaiwan with red decoration, usable volume about 160 ml. Retro porcelain in the style of the state owned factories, but produced more recently. The difference in clay and glaze quality is obvious. (In fact, I believe the red ones are all recent, despite what some sellers say.) This is utilitarian teaware with small imperfections, notably the lid is a bit warped. Has seen some use (by me). I have two, photos are of one of these, which may or may not be the exact one you receive. Ask for more details if you need. Asking 10€/piece.

#2 Five (5) cups with red decoration. Small version with a usable volume of about 45 ml. Retro ware with the same caveats as above, but no major flaws (which is not a given). ON HOLD for now.

The vintage glaze has a subtle eggshell blue glow, while the retro cups are grayish off-white.

#3 Teapot 120ml "Made in China". Some staining inside spout. 15€

#4 Set of 5 cups in a wooden box imported to Japan, most likely in the 1980s. Standard larger versions with 70ish ml usable volume. 景德鎮製 "Jingdezhen Zhi" four character seal mark. Likely never used. Not the most delicate of their kind that I've held, but the glaze is nice and thick. There are some firing spots. Two sets available, ask for more photos if you need. 50€/boxed set.

#5 Set of 5 small cups in a wicker holder, about 45 ml each. 景德鎮製 "Jingdezhen Zhi" four character seal mark. Appears unused. The glaze is a little rough at the lip. 5€ for the whole set.

Payment by Paypal or bank transfer in €€€. Other arrangements may be okay for the Finns out there. If you don't like the prices, feel free to make me an offer – the worst I can say is no.

I charge actual postage as per Finnish postal service, which means that I can ship to most European countries for 23,90€ or less (and outside that zone for about thrice the price, if you really want).